Funko Pop! Animation: My Hero Academia - Dabi #1522
The elder brother of Shoto Todoroki, Toya Todoroki, has joined the League of Villains as a means of achieving vengeance against their father, Pro Hero Endeavor. As Dabi, Toya Todoroki has risen to become a powerful, flame-wielding villain, aiding the League of Villains in their plans to eliminate the top-ranking Pro Hero, All Might. This plan extends to attacking U.A. High School in attempt to end the training of young heroes like Deku. Assemble the League of Villains for your My Hero Academia collection with Pop! Dabi with Flames. Vinyl figure is approximately 4.6-inches tall.
Ships in a Pop Protector.
Condition/Collector Notes
Funko Pops can show minor paint or packaging imperfections. Funko does not consider these defects. While we strive to deliver the best condition, we cannot accept returns due to minor flaws or minor package damage. Thank you for understanding.